Why is Shincheonji problematic?
One can make the argument that almost any religion is a cult. Especially when one relies on the Webster Dictionary definition of a cult.
In this article the following question will be addressed:
If almost every religion falls under the definition of a cult, when does a religion go from being healthy to unhealthy from both a secular perspective, and a biblical perspective?
Dr. Stephen Hassan developed a tool called the BITE model, which helps to determine when a set of beliefs, whether they are religious or political, go from being “healthy” to “highly controlling and manipulative”. The more boxes a group checks off, the more manipulative and controlling the group.
The model is called the BITE model stands for:
- Behavior
- Information
- Time
- Emotion
You can read more about how Shincheonji fits the BITE model here.
Criteria for a Christian cult
- Denies the deity of Christ
- SCJ does not believe that Jesus is God (John 8:58, Titus 2:13, John 20:28), but only believes that he is a “Promised Pastor” or Prophet.
- Lying is okay (see the below referenced news articles and testimonies of former members and pastors whose churches were infiltrated by the sect).
Bible verses that cults use to justify deception and lying?
- Romans 3:7-8
- 7 Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?” 8 Why not say—as some slanderously claim that we say—”Let us do evil that good may result”? Their condemnation is just!
- 2 Peter 2:1-3
- But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
- Matthew 7:15:
- Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
- Masquerades as an angel of light
- 2 Corinthians 11:14
- They claim to believe:
- in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- Jesus is the Son of God
- Yet the above definitions from a Christian perspective are very different.
From both a Christian and secular perspective, deception and lying are characteristics of a highly controlling and unhealthy group.
Examples of Shincheonji’s deceptive practices:
- Pretending to be anti-Shincheonji by owwning and operating the ex-members website:
Key Takeaways:
- No mention of the Bible study being affiliated with Shincheonji during the initial contact
- Slow buildup of more and more time being consumed by the Bible study
- His life revolved around the classes
- Figured out that it was Shincheonji only after Googling key terms
New Zealand:
Key Takeaways:
- No mention of the Bible study being affiliated with Shincheonji during the initial contact
- Strongly encouraged to not research about the Bible study
- Any critical information is poison and persecution
Key Takeaways:
- No mention of the Bible study being affiliated with Shincheonji during the initial contact
- Was told the true identity of the “Bible Study” only by the end of the class, when Jess was fully indoctrinated
Key Takeaways:
- Singapore branch operated under a front group company
- SCJ was banned due to their deceptive practices and lying
Los Angeles:
Key Takeaways:
- No mention of the Bible study being affiliated with Shincheonji during the initial contact
- Martinez was “disciplined” for wanting to spend time with his mom during mother’s day, and that was the final straw for him.
- The cult claimed that he wasn’t prioritizing God
- Sekte Shinchonji? Was steckt hinter der koreanischen Neu-Religion? | Y-Kollektiv (The video is in German, but has English subtitles)
Key Takeaways:
- Personal information like name, age, address, personality type, are all collected
- No mention of the Bible study being affiliated with Shincheonji during the initial contact
- Explanation of “Leaves” and “Fruit” in the indoctrination class
- A leaf is a current cult member, pretending to be a new member of the Bible study class to report on the “fruits” or new recruits
- Reports can include screenshots of private text messages, summaries of private conversations, all without the fruit’s knowledge or consent
Key Takeaways:
- The pastor was promised support from Shincheonji, who did not explain their core beliefs, if he signed the MOU
- Never received any financial support
- (인도)이스라엘 폰나파 목사, “나는 신천지와의 MOU를 파기합니다” Rev. Ponnappah in India “I destroy the MOU with Shincheonji.”
Key Takeaways:
- Pastor signed the MOU without fully understanding the core beliefs of Shincheonji
Austin, Texas USA:
Key Takeaways:
- A Shincheonji member infiltrated the church leadership, and tried to recruit the leadership through their Bible studies without revealing Shincheonji
The above referenced articles are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to showing the deception in which Shincheonji operated, and still operates today.